Learn Spanish

in Argentina and Uruguay.


Cultural activities

It would be a shame if we “only” taught you the Spanish language and neglected Argentina’s and Latin-America’s artistic, historic and literary legacy. At Academia Buenos Aires, we believe that language and culture go hand in hand. This is why we have designed programs rich in cultural content, the degree of which varies according to the duration of your specific program and skill level. These activities form an integral part of our teaching methodology to ensure that our students gain true insights and get answers about our history and culture.

various extracurricular activities Academia Buenos Aires Every Monday we propose our students a list of at least four weekly events, including academic activities and upcoming city programs. The programs we organize and recommend share three characteristics.

  • Insider’s view: Experienced local experts will guide our students through the dynamic and real cultural context of Buenos Aires and Argentina to provide the insider’s view.
  • Customized options for all ages, interests and budgets: Our activities are planned to match interests and goals: most of them are free for our students (e.g.: language workshops, movie nights, guided city tours) and organized solely for them.
  • Variety (in theme, location and duration): In addition to the complimentary programs our students can choose from various excursions, tango shows and classes, day and weekend trips, estancia visits, theatre pieces and more, which we charge at cost.

In this section you will find a list of some of the cultural activities organized by Academia Buenos Aires for our students.

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