Learn Spanish

in Argentina and Uruguay.


Blended learning

Let us introduce our blended learning offer combining teacher-led, synchronous classes and self-study on our virtual learning platform Mi Español®.

With the advent of new technologies and increasing speed of internet access, new forms of learning have become attractive, also in the language sector. Who hasn’t dreamt of studying at home, comfortably sitting on a sofa at any time of the day with a drink in your hand and learning Spanish online? Many advertisements suggest that this is the only possible future and that time and distance become irrelevant. We as a Spanish school agree to a certain extent.

There are indeed components of language learning that one can accomplish alone or with a “machine”. However, there are others which we believe require direct human interaction. We are talking about languages, after all, as part of a culture created by a group of humans.

When looking at the language learning landscape today, we can see two extremes. On one side we see standalone apps which will teach you phrases, vocabulary, some listening comprehension and grammar. On the other side we see traditional Spanish language schools, be they online or offline, where you attend classes (high interaction!) and do some homework. While our organization was born as a traditional school, our blended learning described here constitutes an intelligent mix of online, offline, synchronous and asynchronous elements.

online blended learning Spanish in Buenos Aires Argentina

Mi Español® blended learning

At the heart of our approach to classroom and online learning is the teacher-student relationship. Our teachers are experienced professionals who have seen hundreds of very different students and their learning styles and who can guide you in your learning path. Smart autonomous learning on an online platform can be a valuable complement to (and not substitute for!) synchronous learning with a teacher.

We have thus created very specific content that students can use to train before and after classes with their teacher, which we offer under the name Mi Español®. Study material to prepare for classes typically includes contents that are then taken up during classes with the teacher. Autonomous study material after online classes usually extends the concepts learned and offers exercises.

The content of our virtual learning platform depends on the learner’s skill level. We are based in Latin America and that is reflected in the themes, cultural content and grammar varieties we present on the platform. Specifically built for online learning, it includes a large amount of interactive videos, audios, texts, interactive exercises, etc.

The platform is also a tool for interaction with fellow learners and teachers similar to a closed social media network. You can follow other students’ activities, send messages to teachers and fellow students, post and comment updates in your study group, etc.

online blended learning Spanish in Buenos Aires Argentina

Access to the platform is through your PC or MAC and/or an Android or iOS phone.

The platform offers:

  • access to 50+ progressive study units
  • access to 400+ state-of-the-art learning modules
  • additional exercises on all levels
  • training of reading, writing, speaking and listening skills
  • communication with your peers and teachers

Advantages of adding Mi Español to teacher-led online classes:

  • built for success: activities for intensive language learning built by a team of professionals with years of experience in online and on-site teaching Spanish.
  • built for additional autonomy: partly study at your own pace, when and where you like.
  • built for interaction: the communication module encourages asynchronous interaction with fellow students and teachers, creating a learning community.


  • buy online courses and get free access to platform content. Access is only granted as part of a course package.
  • a package of 10 individual online classes at your convenience with our experienced teachers, including platform access, costs 310 USD.
  • a month of online group classes. maximum 7 students, 4 hours per week, starting every first Monday of a month on 4 levels, costs 230 USD.
  • all packages include a level test, 24/24 and 7/7 access to the platform, weekday platform interaction with teachers, correction of student hand-ins, a final level certificate.

To get started, sign up through the reservation form or send us an email. Based on your skill level, we will then send you a placement test, provide payment instructions, organize your first class with a teacher and provide a password for the virtual platform.

For more information, consult per mail mentioning our Mi Español platform or check the following frequently asked questions:



Can I take “only” synchronous virtual classes without learning on the platform?

Yes, you can take plain online classes with one of our professional teachers. Or you can opt for blended classes which also include autonomous learning. The choice is yours and will depend on your objectives, learning styles and skill level.

Can I book access to the learning platform without taking any synchronous classes?

Access to the autonomous learning system is only granted as part of a package of online classes, in individual or group format. We require students to book a minimum of 10 hours of private or a month of group classes (16 hours) to get free access to the platform.

How much time will I have to spend learning on the virtual asynchronous platform?

You should consider spending an additional hour of autonomous learning on the platform for every hour of classes with your teacher.

Is the platform appropriate for all skill levels?

In principle, yes. However, very advanced skill students often require specific study material and so a more specific approach is needed. Currrently, we offer the learning platform to students up to and including level B1+ and plan to extend this up to level B2+ in the short-term.

Is this a standard platform? Who made it?

While the technological platform is one of the most widely used on the internet, adapted to our +needs, the content has been created by professionals from Academia Buenos Aires and its partner schools. It is very possible that your very teacher has been involved in a part of the unit you are studying. The content is specific to our teaching curriculum which itself is based on the European Framework for language learning, with equivalencies to ACFTL. We proudly present Latin American themes, cultural content and grammar varieties.

How is the learning platform organized?

When you log on, you will be able to access the level that you have been placed in after the placement test. Each level has approximately 10 units which are the equivalent of 2 synchronous and 2 asynchronous study hours, each. Each unit is organized by activities placed in a pedagogically logic order. Literally, the platform has thousands of activities. Beyond the level->units->activities, students can access a wide range of additional material, covering all major skill types. This can be additional reading comprehension material specific to a skill level, listening comprehension based on a curated video, etc.

I am worried that I might be lost learning on my own… should I be?

Half of the time you will see your fellow students and the teacher on the screen during the synchronous classes. Our teachers are very experienced and have literally taught thousands of students Spanish, usually from a beginner level, so they know how to accompany you on your journey. As to the asynchronous learning part, you will not be on your own, even though this is referred to as “autonomous” learning. Indeed, while the platform provides learning content, it also provides a zone for protected communications among students and between students and teachers. You will see comments and posts by fellow students and former students and will communicate with your teacher about specific exercises, all in a closed environment.

Do I need specific hardware or software to access the virtual platform for learning Spanish?

Any Web-browser like Chrome, Firefox, Safari etc. will do. You need a good access to internet (doesn’t have to be excellent). You can use your computer, tablet or cellphone to access the learning content. 

I am not a tech geek… will I be able to handle this platform?

If you know how to send emails, have communicated on a social media platform like facebook before and know how to manage your e-banking (well maybe not the latter…), you will be more than fine using our virtual platform. It is very much straightforward and user friendly. There is nothing you could break or which you could not resolve refreshing the browser.


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