Spanisch lernen

in Argentinien und Uruguay.



Wir sind uns sicher, dass wir Sie am besten von der Qualität unserer Programme überzeugen können, indem wir unsere ehemaligen Studenten zu Wort kommen lassen. In diesem Abschnitt haben wir eine Reihe von Kommentaren ehemaliger Studenten aufgelistet. Danke dafür, dass Sie Academia Buenos Aires gewählt haben!

combine spanish course in Buenos Aires and Bariloche
Omar Hisham, Egypt

I first found out about Academia over the internet and had no idea what to expect. I liked that it was situated in Microcentro, the heart of the city, making it easily accessible and close to everything. I also appreciated … Continue reading

Jeff Wright, Tucson, Arizona, United States

I had a great experience at Academia Buenos Aires. I started last year, at the end of September, and finished in February of this year (though I did take a month off in December). I’m still using the Spanish I … Continue reading

spanish and football in Argentina
Lukas Coussement, Belgium

I had a great time at Academia Buenos Aires! The teachers have a personal approach which made the classes fun and interesting. I met a lot of great people at the school, and discovered all of Buenos Aires’ secrets through … Continue reading

Kylie Oakes, Australia

Being from Australia it is not that common to speak Spanish however it was a language I fell in love with when I was a teenager!  I was 39 and considering learning Spanish??  Did I have concerns? ABSOLUTELY!!  Taking a … Continue reading

study spanish and immerse into the culture
Kasey Altstock, Australia

I came to Buenos Aires with the soul purpose of learning Spanish and that is exactly what I’m able to achieve through Academia Buenos Aires. Before arriving in Argentina all I knew how to say in Spanish was ¡Hola! with … Continue reading

review on spanish clases in Buenos Aires
Michael Devine, Canada

There are many schools teaching Spanish in different cities. I wanted a school that was serious about its approach to teaching and which could offer some cultural perspective, as well. Academia fulfilled those needs brilliantly! The general commitment of the … Continue reading

spanish classes for all age groups
Bruce Hinkle, Wetaskiwin, Alberta, Canada

I would recommend to my family and friends to consider Academia Buenos Aires because the fees are reasonable, there is an opportunity for one-on-one tutoring, the instructors are excellent, the classes are small, the out of class activities are great … Continue reading


Schauen Sie sich Martin’s Blogeintrag ueber die Lernmethoden in Academia Buenos Aires an. Verfolgen Sie die Abenteuer unserer ehemaligen Studenten Jeff und Kasey in ihren Berichten ueber Buenos Aires. Oder schauen Sie sich William’s blog an, in dem er seine Zeit in Buenos Aires beschreibt. Oder … Continue reading